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Buyer Services: Fill in the Form above for a FREE Consultation or Sign-up on our Property Search Page for your Automatic Listing Notifier which will send you information about NEWLY LISTED Homes, Land, or Commercial Property from participating North Florida real estate agents.
We help people and organizations Buy all kinds of Real Estate in and near Gainesville, Florida USA - 10 counties in North Central Florida - The Heart of Florida (Alachua, Bradford, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy, Marion, Putnam, and Union).
We will send you Property Information by Email.
How To Buy A Home Retire In Style Live Near UF Campus
Buying a Home, Land, or Commercial Property can be one of the largest and most important purchases you will make. Our broker has been living in Gainesville since 1968 and has long term in-depth knowledge about the North Central Florida real estate market.
Your service will be prompt, reliable, and personal and your confidentiality will be maintained throughout the buying process.
The most important step in the buying process is to determine your needs and desires. We will find only suitable properties to show you, including properties listed with our office (Eyemark Listings), offered through other real estate companies (North Florida Listings and Gainesville MLS Listings), and sometimes unlisted properties. We will provide you maps and information about neighborhoods and schools.
Do you need help to become pre-qualified for financing? Call Us. We will accompany you to your financial institution or one of our several lender affiliates. Meanwhile you can use our Mortgage Chart and Loan Calculator to see how much home you can afford.
After finding properties that meet your criteria you will find out from sellers all of the known material facts. Then we will write your offer and make sure it is presented accurately. We act as a liaison between you and the seller by doing all of the negotiating, paperwork, and Legwork involved with your purchase. Ordering and attending the appraisal, inspections, and survey (when necessary) are included in our service.
You will receive a full, detailed, and complete explanation of all Offer and Contract Documents (Paperwork), Loan Documents, Closing Costs, and Inspection Results.
After the closing count on us to provide follow-up assistance and information. Service after your purchase is very important. See our Testimonials from satisfied clients.
The quicker you Contact Eyemark Realty , the faster we can begin to find you a wonderful home, land, or investment property.
Do you need assistance with 1031 EXCHANGES when buying and selling income properties? Call Us.
Help for Foreign (International) non-United States citizens Buyers (Purchasers) who want to Own real estate property of any kind in Florida is available. See our Foreign Buyer page. We can find you a Second Home (Vacation or Holiday Home) in Florida or any part of the United States.
Brokerage, Consulting & Counseling Services Available.
Florida Transaction Broker

Eyemark Realty, Inc. doesn't discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (gender), handicap (disability), or familial status.

Gainesville Florida Location Map
Mark Cohen, Broker
EYEMARK REALTY, INC. Gainesville, FL 32653 Florida Licensed Real Estate Broker 352-373-3783 Office 352-222-5609 Cell
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