Selling Property
Let Us Help YOU Sell Your Home, Land, or Property.
Mark Cohen, Broker
EYEMARK REALTY, INC. Gainesville, Florida 32653 USA Florida Licensed Real Estate Broker 352-373-3783 Office 352-222-5609 Cell
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Eyemark Realty has a Negotiated Commission Listing Agreement that provides you with a custom package of services.
During a FREE, No-Obligation Consultation your property will be evaluated with a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) that shows the recent sale prices of similar nearby properties. The best way to sell your property quickly is to set the Listing (Asking) Price at or below the current market value or at the low end of active listings. You will be continually updated about local market conditions that may affect your desired sale price.
Over 80% of all buyers begin their search online. Buyers are obtained through this website, and numerous marketing and advertising websites, personal networks, several Multiple Listing Services (MLS), and various types of advertising. We actively seek Local, Statewide, National and International Buyers.
If you are relocating we can recommend dedicated real estate professionals in almost any city and state in the USA and many other countries.
Assistance with 1031 Exchanges when simultaneously Selling and Buying Investment (Income) Properties is available.
We have SOLD Single-Family Homes & Condominiums that were Short Sales and Foreclosures.
We help Foreign (International, Global, Worldwide, Overseas) persons who are non-United States citizens who want to Sell real estate they Own in Florida. See our Foreign Buyer page, which also has information for Foreign Sellers.
Information for International (Global) Buyers.
Contact Eyemark Realty Now so we can begin to market your property.
Brokerage Services Available:
You will receive prompt, reliable, and continuing personal service. See our Testimonials. We always maintain complete confidentiality at all times.
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SELL Your Commercial Property:
Commercial Building, Industrial, Manufacturing, Factory, Warehouse, Showroom, Wholesale, Retail, Store, Shop, Shopping Center, Strip Center, Land, Lot, Office Condominium, or Office Building.
SELL Your Business:
Any type and size of Business, Opportunity, Enterprise, Venture, or Franchise.
SELL Your Residential Property:
Detached Home: Home, House, Single-Family Home, Patio Home, Garden Home, Zero Lot Line Home, Studio Home, Bungalow, Homestead, Vacation Home, Villa, Second Home, Mobile Home, Trailer, or Manufactured Home.
Attached Home: Condo, Condominium, Townhome, Townhouse, Flat, Multi-Family (Duplex, Triplex, Multi-plex), Building, or Premises.
Land: Lot, Plot, Parcel, Acreage, Farm, Ranch, Villa, Retreat, or Estate.
Special Home: New Construction, Rental Property, Fixer-Upper, Handyman Special, Short Sale, Pre-Foreclosure, Foreclosure, or REO.
SELL Your Agricultural Land: Farmland, Timberland, Pasture, Grazing Land, or Cropland.
We help people and organizations SELL all kinds of real estate in and near Gainesville, Florida USA. Serving 10 counties in North Central Florida - The Heart of Florida (Alachua, Bradford, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy, Marion, Putnam, and Union).
SELLER (OWNER) FINANCING: Increase the ability to sell your Home, Condo, Land, Commercial Property, or Business by offering to finance the sale. You will turn your sale into an investment earning a much higher interest rate than you can presently receive by depositing your sale money in a bank or credit union.
Buyers are usually willing to pay significantly higher interest rates than conventional loans for long-term, short-term, and balloon seller financing.
AUCTIONS: Seller's of Hard-to-Sell Property should consider using an Auction. Contact Us for information about several different types of Auctions and Referrals to Licensed Professional auctioneers.
SHORT SALES: I have experience listing and selling short sales. Contact me for detailed information. SHORT SALE DISCLOSURE: For Buyers and Sellers of Short Sales:
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Important Notice:
EYEMARK REALTY, INC. is not associated with the government, and our service is not approved by the government or your lender.
Even if you accept this offer and use our service, your lender may not agree to change your loan.
If you stop paying your mortgage, you could lose your home and damage your credit.
General Commercial Communication: means any written or oral statement, illustration, or depiction, whether in English or any other language, that is designed to effect a sale or create interest in purchasing any service, plan, or program, whether it appears on or in a label, package, package insert, radio, television, cable television, brochure, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, leaflet, circular, mailer, book insert, free standing insert, letter, catalogue, poster, chart, billboard, public transit card, point of purchase display, film, slide, audio program transmitted over a telephone system, telemarketing script, onhold script, upsell script, training materials provided to telemarketing firms, program-length commercial (“infomercial”), the Internet, cellular network, or any other medium. Promotional materials and items and Web pages are included in the term “commercial communication.”
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Mark Cohen, Broker
EYEMARK REALTY, INC. Gainesville, FL 32653 Florida Licensed Real Estate Broker 352-373-3783 Office 352-222-5609 Cell
Contact Eyemark Realty Now By Email
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