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At I-75 EXIT 384 Archer Rd, Near U of FL $320,000 - BUSINESS ONLY FOR SALE. Across from Butler Plaza, Gainesville, Florida Lease building and parking for $6,500 NET. VALUABLE High-traffic LOCATION. BUY your own restaurant business with lounge in highly...
NW Gainesville, $132,000. - Only a 2.5 mile Bike Ride to the University of Florida campus from this centrally located single-family home. You can also take Bus Routes 6 and 15 to school or work or shopping. 1,330 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath, single story...
Gainesville, Florida USA - The single-family home at 2201 N.E. 8th Street, Gainesville FL 32609 has been sold. This was a SHORT SALE and Mark Cohen, Realtor-Broker was the listing agent. He has experience assisting both Buyers and Sellers with Short Sales...
Very nice home on large corner lot. • 1,330 sq. ft., 2 bath, 3 bdrm single story - MLS® $145,000 - Nice Home, Big Yard. Pine Haven, Gainesville - Nice comfortable home on a large corner lot in a quiet neighborhood in town, centrally located in...
Shopping Centers and Retail Areas in and near Gainesville Florida In addition to the following there are about 50 neighborhood and community shopping centers in the Gainesville Urban Area. There are also many more in and near Ocala, Lake City, Starke,...
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Mark Cohen, Broker EYEMARK REALTY, INC.
Gainesville, FL 32653
Florida Licensed Real Estate Broker 352-373-3783 Office 352-222-5609 Cell
Gainesville Multiple Listing, Inc.
National Association of Realtors (NAR)
Florida Realtors (Formerly FAR)
Realtors Commercial Alliance (RCA)
Gainesville-Alachua County Association of Realtors (GACAR)
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