Natural & Human History Museums & Historical Sites
Archer Railroad & Historical Museum (Archer) www.afn.org/~archer/depot010.htm Bailey Plantation House (Gainesville) http://historic.alachua.fl.us Black Heritage Trail www.originalflorida.org Camp Blanding Museum & Memorial Park (World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, and Desert Storm) (Starke) http://30thinfantry.org/blanding.shtml Cedar Key Museum (Cedar Key) www.floridastateparks.org/cedarkeymuseum Chambers Farm (Fort McCoy) www.chambersfarm.org Columbia County Historical Museum (Lake City) www.museumsusa.org/museums/info/1160263 Dudley Farm Historic Site State Park (Newberry) www.floridastateparks.org Florida Museum of Natural History (University of Florida, Gainesville) www.flmnh.ufl.edu Florida Heritage Trail www.originalflorida.org Haile Homestead at Kanapaha Plantation Historic Site (Gainesville) www.hailehomestead.org Hawthorne Historical Museum (Hawthorne) www.hawthorneflorida.org/museum.htm Kanapaha Park – A Walk Through Time (War Memorial, Gainesville)
www.gru.com/OurCommunity/ParkProjects/veteranspark.jsp Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings State Historic Site (8 acres, Cross Creek)
www.floridastateparks.org/marjoriekinnanrawlings Matheson Museum and Historical Center (Library and Archives, Gainesville) www.mathesonmuseum.org Micanopy Historical Society Museum (Micanopy) www.afn.org/~micanopy
Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park (Civil War Battlefield,
Re-enactment Festival each February, Olustee) www.floridastateparks.org
Art and Crafts Museums and Galleries
Appleton Museum of Art (Ocala) www.apletonmuseum.org Artisan's Guild Gallery (Gainesville) www.artisansguildgallery.com Eleanor Blair Art Studio (Gainesville) www.eleanorblairstudio.com Fred Bear Archery Museum (Gainesville) www.lostparks.com/fredbear.html High Springs Gallery (High Springs) www.highspringsgallery.com Landscapes Art Studio (High Springs) http://landscapesartstudio.com Levy County Quilt Museum (Chiefland) Lost Art Gallery (Gainesville) www.artnet.com/gallery/131432/lost-art-fine-art-antiques-antiquities.html McIntyre Stained Glass Studio & Art Gallery (Gainesville) www.mcintyrestudio.com Melrose Bay Art Gallery (Melrose) www.mbgallery.smugsmug.com Micanopy Log Cabin Gallery (Micanopy) www.micanopyarts.org Peaceful Images Art Gallery (Gainesville) Santa Fe Community College Galleries (Gainesville) www.sfcc.edu Shady Oak Gallery (Micanopy) www.shadyoak.com Tench Artist Studios (Gainesville) Thomas Center Galleries (Gainesville) www.cityofgainesville.org Thornebrook Gallery (Gainesville) www.thornebrookgallery.com UF Focus Gallery (University of Florida, Gainesville) www.arts.ufl.edu/galleries
UF Grinter Gallery (University of Florida, Gainesville) www.arts.ufl.edu/galleries UF Institute of Black Culture (African-American and Caribbean Art, U of F, Gainesville) www.ufl.edu
UF Reitz Union Gallery (University of Florida, Gainesville) www.arts.ufl.edu/galleries
UF Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art (University of Florida, Gainesville) www.arts.ufl.edu/harn UF University Gallery (University of Florida, Gainesville) www.arts.ufl.edu/galleries |
Performing Arts Centers and Theaters Acrosstown Repertory Theater (
Gainesville) www.acrosstown.org All Children's Theater (Gainesville) www.afn.org/~act/ACT.htm Civic Media Center (Gainesville) www.civicmediacenter.org Dance Alive! (State Touring Company of Florida, Gainesville) www.dancealive.org Gainesville Ballet Theatre (Gainesville) www.gainesvilleballettheatre.org Gainesville Community Playhouse Vam York Theater (Gainesville) www.gcplayhouse.org High Springs Community Theatre (High Springs) www.hsct.com Hippodrome State Theater (Gainesville) http://thehipp.org Priest Theater in High Springs Santa Fe Community College Planetarium (Gainesville) www.sfcc.edu/planetarium Santa Fe Community College Playhouse (Gainesville) www.santafe.cc.fl.us Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park (600 acres, Live Oak) www.musicliveshere.com Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center Park (White Springs) www.floridastateparks.org/stephenfoster Suwannee Valley Players (Chief Theater, Chiefland) www.svplayers.com UF Astronomy Observatory (University of Florida, Gainesville) www.astro.ufl.edu UF Constans Theater (University of Florida, Gainesville) www.arts.ufl.edu/theatreanddance UF Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts (U of F, Gainesville www.performingarts.ufl.edu UF Nadine McGuire Theatre and Dance Pavilion (U of F, Gainesville) www.arts.ufl.edu/theatreanddance UF Phillips Center Black Box Theatre (University of Florida, Gainesville)
Sports Venues (Stadiums, Arenas, Racetracks)
Alachua County Fairgrounds (128 acres, Gainesville) www.alachuacounty.us and www.alachuacountyfair.org
Alfred A. McKethan Stadium at Perry Field (Gator Baseball, U of F, Gainesville)
http://www.gatorzone.com/facilities/?venue=mckethan&sport=baseb Ben Hill Griffin Stadium at Florida Field (“The Swamp”) (Gator Football, University of Florida, Gainesville)
http://virtualtour.ufl.edu/campus_sites/stadium.htm Bradford County Fairgrounds (Starke) www.bradfordcountyfair.org
Bronson Motor Speedway (ASA Stock Cars, Bronson) www.bronsonmotorspeedway.com Canterbury Equestrian Showplase (161 acres, Newberry) www.canterburyshowplace.com
Clay County Agricultural Fairgrounds (Green Cove Springs) www.claycountyfair.org
Columbia County Fairgrounds (Lake City) www.columbiacountyfair.org Columbia Motorsports Park (Stock Cars, Ellisville) Florida Horse Park (Ocala) www.floridahorsepark.com
Florida Soccer Stadium at Percy Beard Stadium (U of F, Gainesville) www.gainesvillesportscommission.com Gainesville Raceway (NHRA Drag Racing – Gator Nationals, Gainesville) http://www.gainesvilleraceway.com
Katie Seashole Pressly Softball Stadium (Gator Softball, U of F, Gainesville)
www.gatorzone.com/facilities/?venue=sbstadium&sport=softb Levy County Fairgrounds (Williston) www.levycountyfair.com Ocala Jai Alai Fronton (Jai Alai and Poker, Orange Lake) www.ocalajaialai.com
Ocala - Marion County Horse Farms & Equestrian Centers www.ocalamarion.com Ocala Speedway (Stock Cars, Ocala) www.ocalaspeedway.com
Percy Beard Stadium at James G. Pressly Stadium (Track & Field, U of F, Gainesville)
www.gatorzone.com/facilities/?venue=percy&sport=track Putnam County Speedway Park (Stock Cars, Satsuma) www.putnamcountyspeedway.com Southeastern Livestock Pavilion (Ocala) www.seyfair.com Stephen C. O’Connell Center (University of Florida, Gainesville) www.oconnellcenter.ufl.edu
Theme Parks Silver Springs Nature Theme Park (350 acres, Glass Bottom
Boats, Unique Animals, Ocala) www.silversprings.com Wild Waters Waterpark (Silver Springs, Ocala) www.wildwaterspark.com Active Recreation Areas and Parks Alachua County Park System www.alachuacounty.us
Black Prong Equestrian Center (Horse facilities and trails, Bronson)
http://blackprong.com Blue Springs Park (High Springs) www.bluespringspark.com City of Gainesville Park System www.cityofgainesville.org
Devil's Millhopper Geological Site (huge sinkhole with stairway, Gainesville) www.floridaparks.org/devilsmillhopper Gainesville – Hawthorne Trail (16 miles, Boulware Springs to Lochloosa to Hawthorne) www.floridastateparks.org/gainesville-hawthorne Ginnie Springs Outdoors (Campground & Dive Resort, Santa Fe River, High Springs) www.ginniespringsoutdoors.com
Goethe State Forest (53,398 acres, Horse trails, camping, Bronson)
www.fl-dof.com/state_forests/Goethe.html Heart of Florida Scenic Trail (Alachua and Marion Counties)
Ichetucknee Springs State Park (Tubing down the river, Fort White)
Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway (Hiking Trails, Ocala)
Mike Roess Gold Head Branch State Park (Keystone Heights)
Nature Coast Trail (Chiefland - Cross City - Trenton - Fanning Springs)
www.originalflorida.org Poe Springs Park (202 acres, Santa Fe River, High Springs) www.visitgainesville.net/photogallery/poesprings.htm
Santa Fe River (Canoeing, High Springs) www.santaferiver.com Silver River State Park (Silver Springs, Ocala)
Suwannee River Wilderness Trail www.floridastateparks.org/wilderness
Fishing, Boating, Swimming, and Watersports
Many city and county parks and recreation areas have public swimming pools. Many Active and Passive Recreation Areas have Rivers, Creeks, Lakes, and Ponds where swimming, fishing, canoeing, boating, and tubing are allowed. The Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico are short drives away.
www.purewaterwilderness.com and www.originalflorida.org FRESHWATER (Lakes, Ponds, and Rivers)
The "Lake Region" which includes Earleton, Hampton, Hawthorne, Interlachen, Keystone Heights, Melrose, and Waldo forms a crescent around Gainesville on the east, northeast, and southeast. There are over 100 lakes of many sizes and descriptions and many have boat ramps.
Lakes of significant size in the Lake Region near Gainesville are: Alto, Ashley, Bass, Bedford, Bream, Brooklyn, Bull Pond, Bundy, Clubhouse, Cowpen, Crystal, Cue, Darkwater, Elizabeth, Gatorbone, Geneva, Georges, Goodson (Round), Goose, Grandin, Halfmoon, Hall, Hampton, Hewitt, Hickory, Jeffords, Kingsley, Lily, Little Orange, Little Santa Fe, Lochloosa, Long, Lowry, McMeekin, Melrose, Moss Lee, Oldfield Pond, Orange, Paradise, Redwater, Rosa, Santa Fe, Serena, Silver, Silver Sands, Smith, Spring, Star, Susan, Varnes, Vause, White Sands, and Winnott.
Other large lakes near Gainesville are: Butler - Lake Butler, Crosby - Starke, DeLancy - Ocala, Kerr- Ocala, Newnans - Gainesville & Windsor, Ocklawaha - Ocala, Rowell - Starke, Sampson - Starke, Swift Creek - Lake Butler, Tuscawilla - Micanopy, and Watermelon Pond - Archer.
Rivers and large creeks near Gainesville are: Ichtucknee, New, Ocklawaha, Orange Creek, Santa Fe, St. Johns, Steinhatchee, Suwannee, and Waccasassa. The St. Johns and Suwannee Rivers are quite large. The Suwannee River was made famous by Stephen Foster's folk song "Old Folks at Home" (also known as "Way Down Upon the Swanee River"), which is the State Song of Florida.
SALTWATER The Gulf of Mexico is about a 55 mile drive. The nearest towns are Cedar Key (55 miles), Suwannee (60 miles), Yankeetown (60 miles), Horseshoe Beach (65 miles), Crystal River (65 miles), and Steinhatchee (70 miles).
The Atlantic Ocean is about a 70 mile drive. The nearest beaches are Crescent Beach (70 miles), St. Augustine Beach (70 miles), Vilano Beach (70 miles), Marineland (70 miles), Flagler Beach (75 miles), and Jacksonville Beach (75 miles). Daytona Beach is 90 miles.
Passive Recreation, Gardens, and Conservation Areas Alfred A. Ring Park (20 acres on Hogtown Creek, wildflowers, Gainesville)
www.cityofgainesville.org/no/facilities/aarp.aspx Austin Cary Memorial Forest (Waldo) www.sfrc.ufl.edu/facilities.html Biven's Arm Nature Park (57 acres of oak hammock,marsh, and trail, Gainesville)
www.cityofgainesville.org/no/facilities/banp.aspx and
www.dep.state.fl.us/gwt/guide/regions/north/trails/bivens_arm_trail.htm Boulware Springs (Gainesville) www.cityofgainesville.org/no/facilities/bsphw.aspx Butterfly Rainforest at the Florida Museum (UF Campus, Gainesville) www.flmnh.ufl.edu/butterflies/
Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve (Cedar Key) www.floridastateparks.org/cedarkeyscrub Cofrin Nature Park and Trail (Gainesville) www.cityofgainesville.org/no/facilities/cnp.aspx Colclough Pond Audubon Sanctuary (26 acres of pasture and forest, Gainesville)
www.flmnh.ufl.edu/aud/sanctuar.htm Fort McCoy Wildlife Area (Fort McCoy) http://myfwc.com/RECREATION/cooperative/fort_mccoy.asp
Fort White Mitigation Park (1,328 acres, Fort White) http://myfwc.com/RECREATION/fort_white/default.asp Greathouse Butterfly Farm (Earleton) www.greathousebutterflyfarm.com
Gulf Hammock Wildlife Management Area (26,000 acres, Otter Creek) www.stateparks.com/gulf_hammock.html
Kanapaha Botanical Gardens (62 acres, Gainesville) www.kanapaha.org Lochloosa Wildlife Management Area (Hawthorne) http://myfwc.com/RECREATION/cooperative/lochloosa.asp
Loblolly Woods Nature Area (Hogtown Greenway, Gainesville) www.cityofgainesville.org/no/facilities/lef.aspx Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge (53,000 acres, Cedar Key) www.fws.gov/lowersuwannee Mill Creek Farm (Horse retirement home, Alachua) www.millcreekfarm.org Morningside Nature Center (278 acres, Gainesville) www.cityofgainesville/no/facilities/mnc.aspx Ocala National Forest (383,573 acres, Ocala) www.fs.fed.us/r8/florida/recreation/index_ocala.shtml O'Leno State Park (Santa Fe River, High Springs) www.floridastateparks.org/oleno Osceola National Forest (200,000 acres, Lake City) www.fs.fed.us/r8/florida/recreation/index_osc.shtml Paynes Prairie State Preserve (22,000 acres of wet prairie and fresh water marsh, Gainesville - Micanopy)
www.floridastateparks.org/paynesprairie Ravine Gardens State Park (Palatka) www.floridastateparks.org/ravinegardens River Rise State Preserve (Santa Fe River, High Springs) www.floridastateparks.org/riverrise San Felasco Hammock State Preserve (7,000 acres, Gainesville - Alachua)
www.floridastateparks.org/sanfelascohammock Santa Fe Community College Teaching Zoo (12 acres, Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds, and Endangered Species from 6 Continents, Gainesville) http://inst.santafe.cc.fl.us/~zoo
Shady Oak Butterfly Farm (Brooker) http://buyabutterfly.com Steinhatchee Springs Wildlife Management Area (20,909 acres, Branford)
http://myfwc.com/recreation/cooperative/steinhatchee_springs.asp |
Golf Courses (40 mile radius from Gainesville) City of
Gainesville Ironwood Golf Course (Gainesville) www.ironwoodgolf.net or
City of Ocala Municipal Golf Course 1 www.ocalafl.org City of Ocala Municipal Golf Course 2 (formerly Pine Oaks) www.ocalafl.org Chiefland & Country Club (Chiefland) www.thegolfcourses.net/golfcourses/FL/261.htm Country Club of Ocala (Ocala) http://privategolfocala.com Gainesville Country Club (Gainesville) www.gainesvillegolf.cc/sites/courses/view.asp?id=334&page=8312
Golden Hills Golf Club (Ocala) www.goldenhillscc.com Golden Ocala Golf & Equestrian Club www.goldenocala.com Haile Plantation Golf & Country Club (Gainesville) www.haileplantationgolf.com/index.htm Keystone Golf & Country Club (Keystone Heights) www.thegolfcourses.net/golfcourses/FL/415.htm Meadowbrook Golf Club (Gainesville) www.gainesvillesbestgolf.com
Ocala Palms Golf Club (Ocala) www.ocalapalms.com Palatka Municipal Golf Course (Palatka) www.palatkagolfclub.com Quail Heights Country Club (Lake City) www.thegolfcourses.net/golfcourses/FL/431.htm Rolling Greens Country Club (Ocala) www.golflink.com/golf-courses/course.asp?course=216445 Southern Oaks Golf Club (Lake City) www.thegolfcourses.net/golfcourses/FL/430.htm Starke Municipal Golf Course (Starke) www.golflink.com/golf-courses/course.asp?course=224345 Turkey Creek Golf & Country Club (formerly Plantation Oaks, Alachua) www.plantationoaksgolf.com University of Florida Mark Bostic Golf Course (Gainesville) www.ufgolfcourse.com/course West End Golf Course (Gainesville) www.westendgolf.com Williston Golf & Country Club (Williston) www.thegolfcourses.net/golfcourses/FL/937.htm Tennis Centers Alachua County (many courts in county parks) www.alachuacounty.us City of Gainesville (city parks all over town) www.cityofgainesville.org DB Tennis and Racquet Club (clay and hard, Gainesville) www.dbtennis.com Joyce Oransky Tennis Center at Westside Park (lighted hard courts, Gainesville) www.cityofgainesville.org The 300 Club (clay & hard, Gainesville) http://user.gru.net/The300club/fee.htm
UF Linder Stadium at Ring Tennis Complex (University of Florida, lighted outdoor and indoor courts)
www.gatorzone.com/facilities/?venue=tennm&sport=tennm |
Shopping Centers and Retail Areas
In addition to the following there are about 50 neighborhood and community
shopping centers in the Gainesville Urban Area. There are also many more in and
near Ocala, Lake City, Starke, and Palatka. Butler Plaza (Wal-Mart, Lowes, Target, and over 100 stores on Archer Road Gainesville's "Miracle Mile" and "Restaurant Row") www.butlerplaza.com Downtown Alachua (specialty stores and restaurants) www.cityofalachua.com Downtown Gainesville (many specialty shops and restaurants) www.cityofgainesville.org Downtown High Springs (specialty stores and restaurants) http://city.highsprings.com Downtown Keystone Heights (retail stores and restaurants) www.keystoneheights.us Downtown Newberry (specialty stores and restaurants) www.cityofnewberryfl.com Downtown Palatka (retail stores and restaurants) www.co.putnam.fl.us/palatka Downtown Starke (retail stores and restaurants) www.cityofstarke.org Haile Village Center Shops (Haile Plantation, Gainesville) www.haileguide.com Interstate 75 Interchanges (4 retail areas, Gainesville) Lake City Urban Area (Downtown and shopping centers) www.lcfla.com N.W. 13th Street (Lowes, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Sam's Club,
many more stores, Gainesville) Newberry Road (several shopping centers, Gainesville) North Main Street ("Automobile Row", Gainesville) Oaks Mall (Macy's, J.C. Penney, Sears, Dillards, Belk, Linens-N-Things, over
1 million sq. ft. with 150 stores, Newberry Road, Gainesville) www.theoaksmall.com Ocala Urban Area (Downtown and many shopping centers) www.ocalafl.org Wal-Mart Super Center (Waldo Road, Northeast Gainesville) www.walmart.com
Farmer's and Flea Markets Alachua County Farmer's Market (North Gainesville) www.441market.com
Bradford Farmer's Market (Starke) www.BradfordFarmersMarket.com Butler Plaza Southwest Gainesville Farmer's Market (Southwest Gainesville)
Haile Plantation Farmer's Market (Southwest Gainesville) www.haileguide.com/eventdetail.php?id=2 High Springs Farmer's Market (High Springs) http://city.highsprings.com Keystone Heights Farmer's Market (Keystone Heights) Marion Street Farmer's Market (Lake City) Tioga Monday Market (Jonesville) Trenton Community Farmer's Market (Trenton) Union County Farmer's Market (Lake Butler)
Union Street Farmer's Market (Gainesville Downtown Farmer's Market) www.unionstreetfarmersmkt.com Waldo Farmer's and Flea Market (800 venders on 40 acres, Antique Mall, Waldo) |
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