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Mark Cohen, Broker
Gainesville, Florida 32653 USA
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Connections - Relevant Links for Gainesville and North Central Florida
Schools (Public) Alachua County Public Schools (SBAC) http://www.sbac.edu
Alachua County Schools http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_district/1/fl
Bradford County Public Schools www.mybradford.us
Clay County Public Schools www.clay.k12.fl.us
Columbia County Public Schools www.columbia.k12.fl.us
Dixie County Public Schools www.dixie.k12.fl.us
Gilchrist County Public Schools www.gilchristschools.org
Levy County Public Schools www.levy.k12.fl.us
Marion County Public Schools www.marion.k12.fl.us
Putnam County Public Schools www.putnamschools.org
Union County Public Schools www.union.k12.fl.us School Evaluations (All Schools) http://greatschools.net
Colleges & Universities University of Florida (UF) http://www.ufl.edu Santa Fe (Community) College (SFCC) (SFC) http://www.sfcc.edu
Hospitals and Medical Centers Community Cancer Center of N. FL - Gainesville & Lake City www.cccnf.com
Lake Butler Hospital www.lakebutlerhospital.com
Lake City Medical Center www.lakecitymedical.com
Lake City Veterans Adm. (VA) Medical Center
Macolm Randall Veterans Adm. (VA) Med. Cen. - Gainesville
Munroe Regional Medical Center - Ocala www.munroeregional.com
North Florida Regional Medical Center - Gainesville www.nfrmc.com
Ocala Regional Medical Center - Ocala www.ocalaregional.com
Shands Children's Hospitals - North Florida www.shands.org/hospitals/children Shands Healthcare - North Florida www.shands.org
Shands at Lake Shore - Lake City www.shands.org/hospitals/lakeshore Shands at Starke (Bradford Hospital) www.shands.org/hospitals/starke
Shands at the University of Florida (UF) www.shands.org/hospitals/uf
West Marion Community Hospital - Ocala www.westmarion.com
Transit City of Alachua Transit System www.iridecats.com Regional Transit System - Gainesville (RTS) www.go-rts.com
Utilities AT&T (Bellsouth & Cingular) www.att.com or www.bellsouth.com
Clay Electric Cooperative http://clayelectric.com Alachua, Bradford, Clay, Putnam Cox Communications www.cox.com/gainesvilleocala Alachua and Marion
Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) www.gru.com Gainesville City and Urban Area
Progress Energy www.progress-energy.com Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy, Marion
Senior Citizen Groups, Programs, and Services In addition to the following agencies there are over 20 more social service and
volunteer organizations in Gainesville. There are also numerous organizations in
Ocala, Lake City, and all 10 counties in North Central Florida. AARP Alachua County Employment Program www.aarp.org/foundationAARP National www.aarp.org
AARP Tax-Aide www.aarp.org/money/taxaide Alachua County ATC Transport Alachua County Center for Aging Resources Alachua County Center for Independent Living Alachua County Foster Grandparent Program Alachua County Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Clay County Council on Aging www.clayccoa.org Community Coalition of Older Adults www.shands.org/public/programs/eldercare Eldercare of Alachua County Florida Adult Services www.dcf.state.fl.us/as Oak Hammock at the University of Florida www.oakhammock.org
Volunteer Match www.volunteermatch.org
Lenders - Banks, Credit Unions, and Mortgage Brokers
1st Credit Union www.1stcu.com
Alarion Bank www.alarionbank.com or www.alarionmortgage.com
Alligator Mortgage www.alligatormortgage.com
American First Mortgage www.americanfirstmtg.com
Atlantic Coast Home Loans www.atlanticcoasthomeloans.com
Bank of America www.bankofamerica.com
Bank Rate.com www.bankrate.com
Branch Banking & Trust (BB&T Bank) www.bbt.com
Campus USA Credit Union www.campuscu.com
Capital City Bank of Gainesville www.ccbg.com
Citi Financial www.citifinancial.com
Countrywide Financial www.countrywide.com
Compass Bank www.compassbank.com
Crown Financial Mortgage www.crownfinancialmortgage.com
e Florida Loan (Signature Home Equity) www.efloridaloan.com
First Bank of Jacksonville www.fboj.com
Florida Citizens Bank www.floridacitizensbank.com
Farm Credit of North Florida www.fcnf.com
Florida Credit Union www.flcu.org
Florida Household Mortgage www.floridahouseholdmortgage.com
Gulf Area Mortgage www.gulfareamortgage.com
Jericho Mortgage www.tearingdownthewalls.com
Kropp Mortgage www.kroppmortgage.com
Lending Tree www.lendingtree.com
Mercantile Bank www.bankmercantile.com
Merchants & Southern Bank www.msbank.com
Millennium Bank www.millenniumbank.net
Morgan Financial www.cmsbrokers.com
Mortgage Consultants & Investments http://www.mcii.us/
Neighborhood Assistance Corp. of America www.naca.com
National City Mortgage www.ncmc.com
Primerica www.primerica.com
SunState Federal Credit Union www.sunstatefcu.org
Sun Trust Bank Mortgage www.suntrustmortgage.com
The Abba Empire www.theabbaempire.com Wachovia Bank www.wachovia.com
Wells Fargo Financial www.wellsfargofinancial.com
VyStar Credit Union www.vystarcu.org
Appraisal Services Hayes Appraisal Service www.hayesappraisalservice.net
Home Inspectors Home Pro Inspections www.gohomepro.com
Home Team Inspection Service www.hmteam.com
Paradise Home Inspections www.aparadiseinspection.com
Pillar To Post www.pillartopost.com
Santa Fe Inspection Service http://santafe-homeinspection.com
Land Surveyors American Heritage Land Surveying and Mapping www.americanheritagefl.com
Brinkman Surveying - Gainesville www.brinkmansurveying.com
Geoline Surveying - Alachua www.geolineinc.com
George F. Young Company - Gainesville www.georgefyoung.com Attorneys (Closing Agents, Escrow Agents) Clayton-Johnston, PA www.clayton-johnston.com
Curtis Law Firm www.communitytitlefl.com
Duong, Long H. www.LdLegal.com
Moulton Bosshardt, LLC www.mblawoffices.com Salter, Feiber, Murphy, Hutson & Menet www.salterlaw.net
Scruggs & Carmichael www.scruggs-carmichael.com Title Companies (Title Insurance, Closing Agents, Escrow Agents) Advance Homestead Title www.advancetitle.info
First American Title Insurance Company www.firstam.com
Levy Abstract and Title Company www.levyabstract.com
Vision Title of Alachua County www.vpgtitle.com
Waterford Title Insurance Agency www.waterfordtitle.com
Pest Control Companies Arrow Exterminators www.arrowexterminators.com
Florida Pest Control www.flapest.com
McCall Pest Control Service www.mccallservice.com
Middleton Lawn and Pest Control www.middletonpest.com
Insurance (Home and Property) AAA South Insurance www.aaasouth.com
Allstate Insurance www.Allstate.com
Cotton States Insurance www.cottonstatesinsurance.com
Cotton's All Lines Insurance www.cottonsalllines.com
Ellett Insurance www.ellettinsurance.com
GMAC Insurance www.gmacinsurance.com
Harbor and Associates Insurance www.harborandassociates.com
Johnson and Fletcher Insurance www.johnsonandfletcher.com
Nantz Insurance Agency www.nantzinsurance.com
Nationwide Insurance www.nationwide.com
Scarborough Company Insurance www.scarins.com
State Farm Insurance www.statefarm.com
Sunshine State Insurance www.sunshineinsurance.com
Home Owner's Warranties First American Home Warranty www.firstam.com/warranty
1031 Exchange Specialists 1031 Tax Free Strategies, LLC www.1031company.com
Media and Advertising Gainesville Sun Newspaper www.gainesvillesun.com
Independent Florida Alligator Newspaper www.alligator.org
Not Just Gainesville www.notjustgainesville.com
Virtual Gainesville www.virtualgainesville.com
WCJB - TV 20 www.wcjb.com
Government (Cities) Gainesville www.cityofgainesville.org See the Gainesville Facts Page.
Alachua www.cityofalachua.com Borders Gainesville to the north in Alachua County. High Springs www.highsprings.com 15 miles northwest of Gainesville in Alachua County.
Newberry www.cityofnewberryfl.com 15 miles west of Gainesville in Alachua County. Ocala www.ocalafl.org 40 miles south of Gainesville in Marion County.
Hawthorne www.cityofhawthorne.net 15 miles east of Gainesville in Alachua County. Waldo www.waldo-fl.com 10 miles northeast of Gainesville in Alachua County.
Williston www.willistonfl.com 20 miles south of Gainesville in Levy County.
Starke www.cityofstarke.org 20 miles northeast of Gainesville in Bradford County.
Keystone Heights www.keystoneheights.us 25 miles northeast of Gainesville in Clay County. Trenton www.trentonflorida.org 25 miles west of Gainesville in Gilchrist County.
Government (Counties) Alachua County www.co.alachua.fl.us Center of 10 county North Central Florida area.
Bradford County www.bradford-co-fla.org Northeast of Gainesville towards Jacksonville.
Clay County www.claycountygov.com Between Gainesville and Jacksonville in the Lake Region. Columbia County www.columbiacountyfla.com Northwest of Gainesville. Dixie County http://dixie.fl.gov West of Gainesville on the Gulf of Mexico. Gilchrist County http://gilchrist.fl.us West of Gainesville. Levy County www.levycounty.org Southwest of Gainesville on the Gulf of Mexico. Marion County www.marioncountyfl.org South of Gainesville. Putnam County http://www1.putnam-fl.com East of Gaineville in Lake Region. Union County www.myunioncounty.com North of Gainesville.
County Property Appraisers Alachua County Property Appraiser www.acpafl.org
Bradford County Property Appraiser www.bradfordappraiser.com
Clay County Property Appraiser www.ccpao.com
Columbia County Property Appraiser http://columbia.floridapa.com
Dixie County Property Appraiser http://appraiser.dixie.fl.gov
Gilchrist County Property Appraiser www.gcpaonline.net
Levy County Property Appraiser www.qpublic.net/levy Marion County Property Appraiser www.pa.marion.fl.us
Putnam County Property Appraiser http://www1.putnam-fl.com/live/pamain.asp
Union County Property Appraiser http://union.floridapa.com
County Tax Collectors Alachua County Tax Collector www.actcfl.org
Bradford County Tax Collector www.bradfordtaxcollector.com
Clay County Tax Collector www.claycountytax.com
Columbia County Tax Collector www.columbiataxcollector.com
Dixie County Tax Collector www.dixiecountytaxcollector.com
Gilchrist County Tax Collector www.gilchristtaxcollector.com
Levy County Tax Collector http://fl-levy-taxcollector.governmax.com
Marion County Tax Collector www.mariontax.com
Putnam County Tax Collector www.putnam-fl.com/txc
Union County Tax Collector www.unioncountytaxcollector.com
Libraries Alachua County Library District www.acld.lib.fl.us or www.aclib.us
Business Organizations (Chambers of Commerce & Visitors Bureaus) Gainesville Attractions http://www.visitgainesville.com Gainesville Visitor's Bureau http://www.visitgainesville.net/ Gainesville Chamber of Commerce http://www.gainesvillechamber.com
Dixie County Chamber of Commerce www.dixiecounty.org
Lake City Chamber of Commerce www.lakecitychamber.com Newberry Chamber of Commerce www.newberrychamber.com
Hawthorne C hamber of Commerce www.hawthorneflorida.org
North Florida Regional C of C www.northfloridachamber.com
Williston Chamber of Commerce www.willistonfl.com/index_chamber.html
Carpet Cleaners Heaven's Best Carpet Cleaning www.heavensbest.com
Rub-A-Dub-Dub Cleaning Service www.rubadubcleaning.com
Sears Cleaning www.searsclean.com Servicemaster www.4servicemaster.com/P1/6019
Stanley Steamer www.stanleysteamer.com
Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance
A Yard you'll Love www.ayardyoulllove.com
Big Bend Palms www.bigbendpalms.com
Debbie DeLoach, Garden Consultant www.debbiedeloachphd.com
Florida Green Keepers www.floridagreenkeepers.com
Greenworks Lanscape Design www.greenworksdesign.com
Lawn Enforcement Agency www.lawnenforcement.com
Lawn Pro Maintenance www.lawnprognv.com
Massey Servuces www.masseyservices.com
Southern Illuminations www.illuminationstal.com
Trugreen www.trugreen.com
Computer Services Dog Bytes Computer www.dog-bytes.com
Performing Arts Hippodrome Theater http://thehipp.org
UF Stuff To Do Calender www.union.ufl.edu/stufftodo
University of Florida (UF) Box Office www.union.ufl.edu/ubo
Museums Florida Museum of Natural History www.flmnh.ufl.edu
Harn Museaum of Art www.harn.ufl.edu
Nature and Conservation UF Observatory www.astro.ufl.edu/public.html
Home Improvement Lowes www.lowes.com
Home Depot www.homedepot.com
Recreation and Sports Official Gator Sports Website - Tickets & Souvenirs www.GatorZone.com
Stephen C. O'Connell Center www.oconnellcenter.ufl.edu
Recreation in the Gainesville Area http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Gainesville+florida+recreation&btnG=Google+Search Fishing in North Central Florida http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Gainesville+florida+fishing&btnG=Google+Search Sporting Events Schedules http://www.weather.com/outlook/events/sports/result/USFL0163?when=thisweek&par=OAP&site=GOLFV&code=null Hotels, Motels, Inns, and Bed & Breakfasts University of Florida Hotels. Your online source to find available Hotels in Gainesville, FL,
close to University of Florida, FL! http://ufl.universityhotelnetwork.com/

North Central Florida Real Estate http://www.DirectHomeFind.com is the Direct Link to Your New Home - Your Real Estate Agent Headquarters. Find Top Realtors in Your City. Search Properties in North Central Florida, all over Florida, and in every state in the United States.
http://www.MarkCohenRealEstate.com Mark Cohen is your reliable Realtor in Florida and the United States for all kinds of real estate. Referrals gladly exchanged for anywhere in Florida (Local and Statewide MLS), the United States (National MLS and NLS), and Worldwide (International NLS).
http://www.GainesvilleFloridaHomes.com Gainesville Florida Homes is "Your Reliable Source for Homes and Land" in Gainesville, Florida. We help people Buy and Sell all kinds of Real Estate.
OcalaPlaces.com - Ocala, FL Real Estate. Free Ocala, Florida real estate advice! Search the MLS for homes, free! Use our mortgage calculators, tour our communities, and more! http://www.ocalaplaces.com
Northeast Florida Real Estate St Augustine and Crescent Beach Condo Guide. Condo real estate guide to St. Augustine Beach and Crescent Beach Florida. http://www.st-augustine-condo.com
http://www.newhomesdirectory.com/Jacksonville/ Northeast Florida Homes - Jacksonville New Homes.
Central Florida (East) Real Estate Ormond Beach FL Real Estate http://www.buyormond.com Ormond Beach FL Real Estate Agent - Chris Kearney
Orlando Real Estate Home Buyer and Seller Information http://www.tracyabird.com Free real estate guide for Central Florida, can save you thousands when you are buying or selling your home. Free MLS search updated daily. Buying & selling reports, school information and more.
Orlando Real Estate Agent http://www.cashbackorlando.com Real Estate for the Orlando area. Agent - Matthew Freda.
Orlando Real Estate. Real Estate in Orlando. http://www.iorlandorealestate.com
Orlando Homes for Sale http://floridahomes-info.com Browse new home construction models and floor plans in Orlando Florida. View resale homes through our free MLS search. We take pride in knowing the ins and outs of relocating to Orlando!
Central Florida Real Estate & Florida Property http://www.totallyflorida.com Orlando, Florida vacation home real estate and investment holiday homes all over the Caribbean and worldwide.
Orlando Vacation Home Real Estate http://www.mbthomes.com Make the move of a lifetime with a second home in Orlando and Kissimmee with leading vacation home broker, MBT Homes. Enjoy theme parks, world class golfing and long term appreciation.
http://www.newhomesdirectory.com/Orlando/ Central Florida East real estate - Orlando New Homes.
Central Florida (West) Real Estate Advanced Access to Sarasota Fl Real Estate http://www.sarasotagroup.com Sarasota Fl. Real Estate. Homes, Condos, Beach Properties, Gated Communities. Golf Course Homes. New Construction.
http://www.buysarasota.com Sarasota Real Estate, Search all Sarasota Real Estate, Siesta Key Real Estate, Florida Homes, and Longboat Golf Course Properties.
Tampa Real Estate http://tampa-realestate.xon.us Tampa Real Estate offers a wide range of commercial and residential properties in Tampa Florida.
Helping you understand Sarasota real estate http://www.your-sarasotarealestate.com/ There is nothing more important that where you live. We can help you understand the Sarasota real estate market so you can make the best decision.
Tampa Real Estate Florida http://tampa-bay-realestate.line.us/ Tampa Bay Real Estate offers a wide range of commercial and residential properties in Florida.
Sarasota Real Estate and Sarasota Florida Real Estate Agents http://www.sarasotafloridausa.com Tips on Buying and Selling Sarasota Real Estate: Homes, Condos and Property in SarasotaFlorida.
Tampa Real Estate – TREC http://www.tamparealestateconsultants.com Tampa Bay Homes for sale via the Tampa Real Estate Search. Tampa relocation information from top Tampa real estate agents. Relocating from the UK? We are your British Realtor in Florida.
Guiding your Bradenton real estate decisions http://www.your-bradenton-realestate.com We are deeply committed to making your next Bradenton real estate purchase a great one. Call us today for a hassle-free consultation.
http://www.newhomesdirectory.com/Tampa/ Central Florida real estate - Tampa New Homes.
Southeast Florida Real Estate Eyemark Realty, Inc. Contact Robert Rabinowitz at for full service real estate brokerage in Miami - Miami Beach - Hialeah - Coral Gables - Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood - Pompano Beach - Boca Raton - West Palm Beach. Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties. http://EyemarkRealty.com
Miami Apartment Rentals http://www.e-apartment-rental.com Specializing in Miami Apartment Rentals and South Florida Real Estate.
Miami Florida Real Estate and Mortgages www.century21miamiflorida.com
http://www.miamirealestateinc.com Miami Real Estate Miami Beach. Miami Real Estate can help you buy an apartment or buy a house in Miami, Miami Beach.
Aquablue Miami Real Estate. We specialize in Miami Real Estate, Estate properties and luxury homes throughout South Florida. http://www.aquabluerealty.com
Miami Real Estate Florida http://miamirealestate.line.us/ Miami Real Estate can help you buy an apartment or buy a house in Miami, Miami Beach
Palm Beach Florida Real Estate http://www.palm-beach-florida-real-estate.org We specialize in Residential Real Estate in Palm Beach County Florida, from West Palm Beach to Boca Raton. I am dedicated to providing the finest quality service.
Agent Miami Real Estate Florida http://www.miami-realestate.net Miami Real Estate Agents offer real estate services in Miami, Ft Lauderdale, Miami Beach Florida
South Beach - Miami Beach - Real Estate http://www.investsouthbeach.com Miami Beach real estate, Miami real estate, south beach real estate - Miami-Dade County communities of South Beach, South Miami Beach, Design District, Miami Beach, Star Island, Fisher Island, Art Deco District, and Pinecrest. Alexis Zdanow has over a decade of proven experience in real estate sales.
http://www.palm-beach-gardens-real-estate.com Palm Beach Gardens Real Estate. A directory of Palm Beach Gardens Florida real estate, new homes, preconstruction homes, waterfront homes, lots, land, and acreage for sale.
Boca Raton Florida Real Estate http://www.baywindsrealty.com Specializing in Boca Raton Real Estate, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Highland Beach, Parkland, Lake Worth, Wellington and Palm Beach County. School, Golfing, and Community information. English and Spanish speaking agents.
Boca Raton Real Estate. Boca Raton Properties of Distinction: Boca Raton real Estate http://www.comehometobocaraton.com
St. Lucie Palm Beach Florida Real Estate http://www.freefloridahomesandlandsearch.com
Palm Beach and St Lucie county real estate homes for sale and condos. Search Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Wellington, Port St Lucie, Jupiter and all of the TreasureCoast.
Miami Condos http://miamiherald.uscondex.com The best way to buy, sell or rent Miami condos. Visit the Miami Herald's exclusive marketplace for condos in Miami. http://miami.condo.com.
Gary Lynn Realty, Inc. "Your Realtor in Florida" http://www.GaryLynn.com Miami Beach Realtor serving Miami Beach, South Beach, Fisher Island, Williams Island, Sunny Isles Beach, and Aventura. Homes, Condos, and Commercial Property. New Construction and Resales. Free MLS Search on Web Site. We have been in business for over 30 years.
Boca Raton Real Estate, Boca Raton Realtor, Florida Realtor http://www.best-real-estate-choice.com/ Florida real estate, Florida realtor, Boca Raton real estate, Boca Raton realtor, Florida homes for sale, Boca Raton homes for sale, Florida property, Boca Raton property, RE/MAX realtor.
Miami Condo Company http://miami.condocompany.com The Condo Company is a highly specialized real estate agency that focuses on the Miami condo's market.
Lake Worth , West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Homes http://www.lakeworthproperties.net/ We represent our clients in the sale and purchase of Lake Worth Homes, West Palm Beach Homes, Boynton Beach Homes and the surrounding area's in Palm Beach Florida.
South Beach Real Estate. Find luxury Miami & South Beach real estate for sale with the help of our expert real estate agents. Contact us at (305) 532-7368 now! http://www.stream-line.com
Lake Worth Real Estate, Stacey LeBlanc: Lake Worth Real Estate http://www.southfloridahomesource.net
Non stop Vero Beach real estate listings http://www.verobeach-realestateonline.com Your number one Vero Beach real estate resource online. We always get the job done right.
http://www.jupiterrealestatesearch.com Jupiter Real Estate Search. comprehensive directory of Jupiter Florida real estate, new homes, preconstruction homes, waterfront homes, lots, land, and acreage for sale.
South Florida Real Estate Experts http://www.southfloridarealestateexperts.com South Florida Real Estate Experts is a South Florida real estate company, specializing in residential listings and sales across South Florida.
http://www.newhomesdirectory.com/Miami/ Southeast Florida real estate - Miami New Homes.
Miami Condos - ALLFLORIDACONDOS.COM specializes in the purchase and sales of luxury condos located in Sunny Isles & Miami, Florida. View real estate listings in Aventura, Fort Lauderdale, South Beach, Bal Harbour, Hallandale, Hollywood, Jade Beach and other locations.
Southwest Florida Real Estate Professional Naples real estate service http://www.naples-realestateonline.com/ To make the most of your Naples real estate purchase, you need a trained professional at your side. We're here to help.
Gary J. Szolosi, Broker Associate, Paradise Realty Network, http://www.ft.myershomes4u.com. Fort Myers - Cape Coral and Southwest Florida.
Naples Florida, Ft Myers, Heritage Real Estate Golf Property http://mlsofnaples.com Direct link to MLS in the Naples and Fort Myers Florida, our own investment, rental, seasonal rental, and any new pre-construction special offerings in the area.
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Fort Myers Real Estate - Cape Coral Homes http://www.franksimms.com Fort Myers real estate & Cape Coral homes. Find Fort Myers & Cape Coral real estate, homes for sale, MLS listings and condos. Frank Simms your real estate agent for SW Florida.
Fort Myers Preconstruction. Buy preconstruction homes & condos for sale at Rebateflorida.com.
Naples Real Estate - John R. Wood http://www.johnwood.com We are the most respected and professional team in the Naples real estate market. Call us today for legendary service.
Real Estate Property Management. Sunshine hotel group are specialized in managing real estate properties for third parties. We bring together an alliance of specialists who represent the perfect combination of global thinking and local market. http://www.sunshinehotelgroup.com.
http://www.newhomesdirectory.com/FortMyers/ Southeast Florida real estate - Fort Myers New Homes.
United States Real Estate Links
Bethesda MD Real Estate. Visit Bethesda Real Estate Center to find homes for sale in Bethesda, mansions, estates and homes for sale in Bethesda MD. http://www.marylandrealestatecenter.com/bethesda.asp
Tucson, Arizona. Tierra Antigua Real Estate. Contact Hilary Backlund at www.absoluteaces.com or 520-869-4142 and tell her Mark Cohen in Gainesville Florida referred you.
AAArizona - Phoenix Real Estate http://www.phoenixrealestate-homes.com Free Phoenix home search for the Phoenix real estate buyer.
http://www.newhomesdirectory.com/ United States real estate links - New Homes Directory.
http://www.slbinvestments.com Warehouse rental rates. Samuel L. Bryant Investments has over 5 decades of experience providing office warehouse in Houston. We strive to provide quality warehouse space at affordable rental rates.
http://www.sullivan-realestate.com/ Single Family Homes For Sale In Chicago. Stephanie Sullivan provides single family homes and condos for sale in Chicago Illinois (IL) here at Sullivan Realestate. Browse us online or call us at 773-991-9359!
Temecula California Homes - Executive Home Rentals help you find the right home for rent in Temecula, Murrieta, Canyon Lake & Hemet.
Real Estate in Houston http://www.kwmemorial.com Keller Williams Memorial is one of Houston's most respected and experienced real estate firms specializing in the Memorial Villages, Spring Branch, Inner Loop, Tanglewood, and Galleria neighborhoods.
Texas Farm for Sale. Dalhart Real Estate is the leading real estate agency in Dalhart, TX assists you in buying or selling a house, farm, dairy or ranch. Call us at 806-244-1700 for more information! http://www.texaspanhandleagriculturallandforsale.com
http://kiscommercial.com/blog commercial real estate investing
http://www.providencehomelending.com wisconsin home mortgages
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http://nashvilletnhomesonline.com/murfreesborotnrealestate.html Detailed Smyrna Mufreesboro Homes Search with 30+ criteria. Instant access to all currently listed Real Estate, Foreclosed Homes, REO, Bank Owned, Short Sales
Steve Kruschke, Pleasanton California Realtor http://www.tri-valleyre.com Steve is your realtor specializing in the Pleasanton, Livermore, Dublin, and San Ramon, CA area.
San Diego Real Estate Listing - Openhousebyzipcode.com is your reliable source to shop for open houses in San Diego.
http://www.stonehengenyc.com NYC Apartments. Stonehenge no fee apartment rentals are some of the best apartments you'll find in New York City. From uptown to downtown, our apartment buildings offer the luxury lifestyle you've been looking for.
55 Plus Community - Golden Spike Estates in Rathdrum, Idaho that maintains and operates the 55+ active adult community, is a member of both the Chambers of Commerce for Coeur d'Alene & Rathdrum.
Miscellaneous Links & Banners
Property for Sale. In a Pinch Sales is a niche, classified website for individuals who find themselves “in a pinch” and need to sell their property, car, boat or motorcycle in a hurry. http://www.inapinchsales.com
Surplus Titanium http://www.titaniummetalsupply.com/ Titanium Metal Supply carries an excellent assortment of surplus titanium.
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Foreign Buyer and Seller Information
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Real Estate Cyberspace Society www.recyber.com

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Mark Cohen, Broker EYEMARK REALTY, INC. Gainesville, FL 32653
Florida Licensed Real Estate Broker 352-373-3783 Office 352-222-5609 Cell
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